Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Live more.  I feel like Charlotte gets to lately.  She is more "baby like" now that she is better, and is able to experience basic needs in life like being HELD.  Fortunately, there is never a shortage of arms in which to cradle my SWEET CHARLOTTE.  We are so grateful for her baby cries and her baby ways.  

She had a better night last night, as she rested comfortably and SLEPT.  Still very bothered by diaper issues, she seems to be adjusting to her feedings overall.  And since her surgery is scheduled for Friday, we pray that she remains comfortable and healthy before...and after, as she will still have the PICC line until she is discharged.  Each day that she has a line, is another day of risk for infection.  We pray that He shields her from that and continues to hold her in HIS arms.  Prayers, too, for "Baby Patrick" that he may feel comforted by His peace.

And to read more about the Gtube and Nissen surgery, please go back to our "CARPE DIEM" post.  As always THANK YOU for all of your support and prayers!  

1 comment:

  1. Our thoughts and prayers are ALWAYS with you, sweet Sarah, Patrick, baby Patrick and baby Charlotte! We love you so very much and keep rooting for a speedy recovery for your precious little Miss! I thought of you guys more than usual this afternoon with that nasty storm. Hope everything is ok! Love you!!!!!!
