Monday, June 18, 2012


My favorite story recently is one which a close friend shared with me.  On the day she was being discharged from the hospital to take home her first born, she was asked the name of her baby girl by the birth certificate office.  She answered "Dylan Charlotte.'  Her husband quickly looked over and reminded her of their chosen middle name, but as she was telling me through tears, I nodded while my own crept into my eyes.  I looked down and saw her beautiful baby girl, Dylan Penelope, in my arms and knew.  Charlotte's memory will live forever in the hearts of those who love her.  She will never be forgotten.  Maybe it was the fact that my friend was in the same room, in the same hospital as I was when I had Charlotte.  Maybe it was the fact that her nurse happened to be named Charlotte.  But maybe it was just because Charlotte lives in my friend's heart as well as yours.  So to all of you, thank you for keeping our family - and SWEET CHARLOTTE - on your hearts.  Thank you for honoring my baby girl.

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