Saturday, January 5, 2013


Just a friendly mass blog post that we are expecting a baby in late June.  We have passed a few hurdles with testing so far, including an initial screen of baby's HEART.  She officially has four chambers.  Can I get an amen?  Additionally, we have more testing specifically at weeks 18 and 22 but are hopeful that we continue on the good news track.

And, thanks to modern medicine, through initial testing it was revealed that there is no Y chromosome which means that McBaby is a officially a Patty Mac!  We are having a girl.  

Thank you for your prayers and well wishes!  


  1. Yay, yay, yay! So excited for you! Praise God indeed! :) And another sweet girl, so so thrilled for you!

  2. Congrats!! I am so excited for you!

    I smiled when I took Charlotte's ornament off the tree at MCCH. I wrapped it up really well so it can be placed on the tree again next year.

    Jennifer Cooper

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I think about you & your sweet family all the time!!!! I am SO SO SO happy for you!!!!

    God is Great!!!! xoxo

  4. So stinking excited & happy for you guys!! Hope to see you soon!! Love ya! GOD IS SO GOOD!!!
