Thursday, March 22, 2012


Everyone's favorite little muffin is getting big, big, bigger!  She now weighs almost 5 lbs 7 oz!  We are so proud of her progress, and so are her docs.  She's a favorite around the unit because of her tiny cries, sweet face and princess self!  As much as we want to be home, the team here takes the best care of Sweet Charlotte.  She has the highest paid babysitters in the world, right? :)

The one IV line she has is called a broviac line.  Thankfully, it's lasted double the expectant time because when it was put in, her surgeon explained that Charlotte's anatomy is yet once again...different.  Her vein is like a varicose vein in that it is squiggly.  I liked his description because I understood "squiggly."  Needless to say, it could get the job done (ie, allow for blood draws and administer meds as another access point) but we weren't to expect it for long.  Well, here we are almost 4 weeks later!  Although today we discovered that it won't "draw," which means that it won't allow for blood draws.  The GOOD NEWS is that it will still flush medicines.  PRAISE HIM.  Our specific prayer is that it continues to provide this "access" for the upcoming surgery as it will be the line which will be used for sedation, etc.  Because she is so INCREDIBLY difficult to find access in her veins, this line needs to stay put so she doesn't unnecessarily have to endure another surgery!

In the interim, our little one will endure heel pricks twice weekly for her scheduled blood work, or labs.  She had her first this morning and baby girl DID NOT like it.  Not one bit.  But, she settled down immediately after she was swaddled.  Such my child.  We raise swaddlers, that's for sure.

We appreciate your prayers, as always.  She is thriving because of our GOOD and GRACIOUS GOD and thanks to YOUR PRAYERS.  I'll leave you with some candids of our Sweet Charlotte doing what she does best - sleeping and being precious!

LORD, be gracious to us!  We wait for You.  Be our strength every morning...

Isaiah 33:2



  2. so happy to hear all the good news:) i have to say she looks rather relaxed in her surroundings with that big yawn! i have no problem believing she is a "favorite" in the unit...nor would i have a problem beleiving she is the most sylish. but of course, i just wouldn't expect anything less. prayers and love continue for all of you:)

  3. Keep growing girl! That a way to show 'em! We wouldn't expect anything less from you, little princess.

    Again we will pass along a good report to your prayers parners around the world! That's one we plan to keep doing!

    May you every day be better and better.

    In His precious name,

    David & Candy

  4. Such a beauty (just like here Mama)!! Praise the Lord for Charlotte's growth. I continue to think of you, Charlotte, and your family and pray for you often!
