I am the proud recipient of a gold star which I got because of Baby Girl's good behavior. (She must have learned from me!) When we had the sono, the good news was shared that her amniotic fluid had INCREASED again to a 9.39! And this time, all on it's own. I'm sure bed rest has had a tiny something to do with it, but I'm encouraged as it was without IV fluids. What a true gift for us on this very special day.
Our little sweetheart even showed off some of her southern charm as she had her ankles crossed. Naturally I was proud of her ladylike ways but knowing that it's an indication as to good muscle tone, I was even happier. She is still a busy body like her Mommy and must be picking up my slack, as she is moving double time in there. Fine by me.
The sonograms will now happen each Tuesday and Friday. I'm on a new schedule. Fortunately for reporting sake, I will have them between 7 and 730 am, so we will hopefully kick off our days with good news.
Even more good news is that although we see her cardiologist everyday, it's only for 'social purposes' as I like to say. I won't have another echo until the week after next, since the baby is showing no sign of distress and her heart continues to look great (no changes) on the sonos.
It's moments like these which make up my day and remind me that God is speaking. I just need to be patient and listen.
He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
this is such wonderful news to read this morning!! I'm so glad she's doing wel!! I continue to pray for you & her!! xo