Saturday, January 7, 2012


I've always had hope although some days it may have gotten buried temporarily.  This past week has been a hard one emotionally and even physically because believe it or not, sitting is hard work!  But the one thing that has been constant is hope.  Thanks to my faith, family and friends, I've been wrapped in it.  

Yesterday was no different.  My priest paid me a visit and although I felt unworthy since there are many other people who probably needed a visit from him more than me, it certainly made my "hope tank" overflow.  As I saw Father Michael peak around my door, I was immediately at peace.  He has a way about him. :)  Plus, I received a special sacrament in the Catholic faith - Anointing of the Sick.  

The baby did well yet again during the non stress tests.  She seems to be quite content in there.  I forgot to mention that she has some hair!  I am excited to see if it will be dark like big brother Patrick's was at first...or blonde, taking after Daddy right away.  

Yesterday also felt more like I was holed up in a hotel room with my best friends during a girls weekend thanks to having my girls with me all day.  There's something about the smell of nail polish that makes a girl happy, right?  And a special mention to my best friend Christy who came all the way from OK to help me forget where I am.  And I kind of did when I woke up this morning with her on my couch!  I may just start calling my hospital room a hotel room.  That's more digestible.

As hard as this journey is, I know that God's grace will be sufficient for me.  I know that even when I may feel like I am alone, He is with me.  His love for me and for this precious baby is more than I will ever know.  I know that through prayer, my hope tank will always be full.  

But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord, I say, "You are my God." My times are in Your hands...

Psalm 31: 14-15

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