Sunday, January 8, 2012


Sundays are usually pretty busy for us.  Our day is tied up until usually after P's nap in the afternoon.  And only then do we have a precious few hours before dinner, bath and bedtime, so I'm used to making the most of our time. That's why the visits with my baby and Patrick Sr. lately have been squeezed dry.  I try to soak up all that is my family and mold it into our new routine.  It's not necessarily bad - just really different.

My body aches.  I feel like I have aged substantially in just a week.  It's hard to believe that I've done nothing more than sit and I now creak around because of it.  Princess has hip and knee problems which because of she walks with a slight limp, other days more than some.  And now I can relate!  The physical therapist paid me a visit a couple of days ago and taught me some upper and lower body exercises, with some crossed out because they were too strenuous.  That's a real blow.  I would LOVE to exercise right now.  I've never been "much of" a runner - ha, ha - but suddenly I have a newfound urge to train for a marathon.  I don't even have to actually run it - just train!

The hospital nutritionist also came by and we talked about 'good food choices.'  Mmm-hmm.  I would rather pass on the choices, thank you.

Other than that, Baby is being well-behaved...and I guess I am too!

But He gives greater grace...
James 4:6

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