Tuesday, February 28, 2012


What a TRUE BLESSING it is for me to share that because of our GOOD GOD, Charlotte's ventricles aren't enlarged enough to immediately have surgery!!!  We have been given a reprieve until Monday to have the next ultrasound and before any decisions are made.  

Please also call to mind healing of Char's thoracic duct and for the swelling in her chest to resolve.  We are waiting on a chest ultrasound to reveal if it has worsened, and if yes, she will require the pig tail cath to be surgically placed to help drain the excess fluid.  A speed bump in the road, yes, but certainly one I hope to avoid.  

We are so grateful for your prayers, texts, cards, treats and hugs.  Thanks to your support, we are happier, peaceful and of course, well fed.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."  

Phillipians 4:7



  1. What a blessing!! the prayers are working!! we will keep it up. love to you all.

  2. The Lord is good! How we praise His blessed name! Yes, the prayers are working, and for that we are always so very grateful!

    Our prayers continue with much hope and love,
    David & Candy

  3. she is just so beautiful! i love the headband:) the second pic is my favorite. such a sweet little face...she looks like she is very content and comfy in mommy's arms! love you guys.
