Tuesday, February 14, 2012


THANK GOODNESS for being early!  We arrived at 645 this morning to spend time with little miss pre surgery and at 7, the OR team was raring to go so we left.  Charlotte was awake and as we held hands, I almost couldn't let go.  She has the tiniest little girl hands which kept squeezing mine.  I say, "Mommy squeeze, Baby squeeze" a thousand times a day from my bedside post usually.  It's never too early to start teaching, right?  Fortunately, she's stronger than Mommy is and as we left each other I know she was telling me that she'll be fine.  

Overnight she made us a Valentine - my favorite ever.  I'm so happy because this is her first footprint that I have to hold.  I know there will be many more which we make together, alongside her big brother, but today's will be my favorite.

My little Charlotte had a good night of rest, is tanked up, on the lowest flow possible on the ecmo machine and is ready to get this show on the road.  And today marks a very special day - it's her scheduled c-section delivery day.  I think it's another small miracle from God because it's her new beginning, her second birth.  Happy Birthday, Char Char.  Mommy and Daddy love you.

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  1. Love you all! Praying for a seamless transition from the ECMO. I wish I were there to do a little squeezin myself. :D (hugs) to you all. Good luck Char Char! Cute dainty feet like her mama!

  2. is it okay if that's my favorite ever valentine, too? what a sweet, beautiful little girl. praying for a smooth transition off ECMO and continued prayers all day for her heart and lungs to stay strong. my heart is with you guys and charlotte this valentines day. love you guys.

  3. 'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'
