Friday, February 17, 2012


Big Brother Patrick LOVES Miss Charlotte.  He is so excited "baby" is here, despite wondering where she went now that she's no longer in my belly.  (We'll have to work on that one!) He used to give kisses and rest his head on my stomach when I was preggers and shortly after Charlotte had made her debut he was staring at my somewhat flattened belly in total confusion.  Fortunately, Charlotte made up for her absence with a gift to P and considering he loves trucks, books and stickers, it was a hit.  Of course, it was a win for all of us considering his little boy voice uttered the sweetest sound: Charlotte.  It was one of my favorite life moments.


  1. i think little p should enjoy being the BIG brother while Char Char is still a baby! as you said, she has a way of getting just what she wants. (i bet that will include all of his toys:)
    what a beautiful little boy!
